Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Team Effort Stand - Joe's Valley, UT

This definitely took some team work between Erica, Kristen and myself. The first move is pretty big, but once you hit the lower part of the hold, you can bump the right hand higher until its basically awesome. The left hand shifts around to make room for the heel hook for the next move. The left pocket is a good intermediate before bumping to the sloper crimp. To reach the sloper crimp, the right foot should be placed on the small feature directly below the hips. Get the sloper crimp, keep the heel and grab the sloper knob (now I think I am just making up names for holds). Switch the heel to a toe and go for the jug. If you are Kristen's height (5'3"), you can use the start hold for a right foot before going for the jug, this creates a higher percentage move. Kristen sent, so we dubbed it a "Team Send."

Team Effort Stand - V6 from Mercedes Pollmeier on Vimeo.

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